Culture Camp
Join us for an American Indian outdoor prairie experience, to learn survival skills and Native American culture.
These multiple-day summer camps will be located far away from city and highway lights, and will feature tipi living and traditional Native American foods like buffalo, wild rice pancakes, berry soup and more. The workshops at the camps will teach how to build shelter and identify plants, carve a pipe and make a hand drum, tell stories and learn history. |
Spending a few weeks with Bud, Rona, and Camas at their Culture Camp in 2013 was an incredible experience. I flew from my home in New Zealand (way down in the South Pacific), stayed with them for a few weeks, and was privileged to partake in their everyday lives. I was fortunate enough to be with them during the annual Pow-wow in Pipestone Minnesota, and met dozens of local and foreign folk who had plenty of stories to tell about where they were from. New Zealand is geographically and culturally distant from North America, and it was fascinating to sit amongst Bud and his family, hear stories of their struggles since colonisation (similar to our own here in New Zealand), and admire the triumphs of the Sioux and Ojibwe tribes. From setting up tipis and carving my own piece of pipestone, to gathering wood for the sweat lodge, I was involved in every step of the process. Not only did this provide in-depth insight into cultural procedures, but it also gave me significant appreciation for the lineage and histories of Bud, his family, and his people. Bud and Rona also went far out of their way to help in getting me to and from the airport for my international and domestic flight transfers. I had never travelled so far from home before, but being the recipient of such largesse and generosity was such a great honour, and something I hope to reciprocate in the near future.
– Jade Aikman-Dodd, BA Hons I (University of Otago), MA (Distinction) (University of Otago), PhD Candidate at the Australian National University.