Keepers Annual Gathering 400 N Hiawatha Ave Pipestone MN July 17-21ST 2024 Join us in sharing and learning Sample Schedule Keeper Gathering 2024
Wednesday Arriving and final set up opening ceremonies 10am lodge set up Thursday Morning prayers 9am Meal together storytelling Carving Class 3:30pm to 5pm Friday Various workshops Keeper Annual meeting 12:00 pm Carving Class 3:30pm to 5pm Feast Saturday women's circle & men's circle 10:00 am Feast for the pipes 1:00 pm Carving Class 3:30pm to 5pm Breon Lake talk Sunday Ceremony at the Quarries 8:00 am men's & women's circles Other activities will be added. If we find someone who wants to run a sweat or other circles or teachings they will be added. Using the Link Below, you can sign up for the class on carving. (Gathering) Hands on Carving Class |
Pipestone WorkshopWe will have available people to help you create a pipe or bring one you are working on and get help from people who have been carving for more than 30 years. If you do not want to carve a pipe you can carve effigies or another figure of your choice. Cost price of stone and donation for class.
Beaded Earring Brick stitchLearn to make brick stitch earrings from simple to designs to the more complicated. The feather design pictured above is for people already familiar with brick stitch
Beaded Pipe BagLearn to make a simple dear skin pipe bag and if you are feeling up to it learn to do lazy stitch bead work and decorate it