Native American Culture
Native Contributions
Many of the foods, medicines, games and economic ideas we use today stem from Native American history and culture? A lot of credit is due to the many indigenous people who came up with some of things we take for granted today.
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Native American History
Native American history spans many thousands of years over North and South America. Since Europeans came to the "new world," their lives changed forever and their history reflects the major upheavals in culture and society. Read a brief history of Native Americans in the present-day United States.
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Story of Thanksgiving
Many Americans tend to think of Thanksgiving as the great feast between pilgrims and Indians at Plymouth Rock. But like much of our history, that's not an accurate portrayal of what happened — or its legacy. Click on the photo for a more accurate historical account of the modern Thanksgiving holiday.
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"Popular culture seems to represent Native Americans as these mythical beings of the past and the Heritage month activities are trying to break down those stereotypes. People should know that we aren't a monolithic group of people. We are comedians, authors, singers, and our cultures are very much alive today."
Nickole Fox, Cherokee/Blackfoot
Nickole Fox, Cherokee/Blackfoot
No Blood Shed
A Place Where No Blood Could Be Shed
The evidence is accumulating that many Pre-Columbian refugees came to Southeastern North America to escape religious and political oppression in addition to the volcanoes and droughts. The monotheistic religion of the Apalache Kingdom was the antithesis of the bloodthirsty regimes that then dominated Mesoamerica and the Andes. Read More |
Heyoka - A Man Taller Than His Shadow
From the south, up above, a threatening mass of dark thunderclouds moved swiftly towards the direction of a Lakota camp. A storm coming from the South was much feared by the people for the devastation it could bring. Noting the signs, the people fearfully gathered around their Protector, the old Holy Man. Read More |
History Upper Mississippi
Beltrami transcriptions
Beltrami, J.C.; A Pilgrimage in Europe and America: leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River; with a Description of the Whole Course of the former and of the Ohio; vol. II; Hunt and Clarke, London, 1828; CIHM microfiche facsimile edition 1982. Read More |